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帕金森氏症防治网 的一篇译文. 广大的病友首先要保持坚强的信念,还有坚持康复训练.
帕金森病除了药物和手术治疗,在患病早期和中期,正确、适量的运动疗法,亦非常重要。斯宾赛-安德森(Spencer Anderson)自40多岁时患上帕金森病之后,通过持续不断的训练和低剂量的常用处方药物治疗,重新找回了失去多年的知觉。他说:“在被确诊患病12年后,如果我不说,没有人会知道我曾是个帕金森患者”。下面的内容由 Golden Pig 翻译自 Northjersey.com 的文章: In battling Parkinson’s disease, never look down (在与帕金森病的斗争中,决不低头) 。
我得到了Ludmila Vucolova的帮助,她自愿申请研究生教育,进行跨学科的身心研究,身体机能的研究以及物理治疗和瑜珈教学经验的研究。Vucolova给我提供了理论和实践上的帮助来抑制,甚至可以说扭转了疾病的恶化。集中式的一对一训练计划主要是通过调整不正确的惯性运动模式来恢复身体原始结构和功能。这些常见的模式包括不良的身体姿势和身体的摇摆,这些都是帕金森的典型症状。
作者: Spencer Anderson,里奇伍德(Ridgewdood)人,里奇伍德(Ridgewood)海外基督教青年。
In battling Parkinson’s disease, never look down
IT IS SAID that every person with Parkinson’s disease has a different experience with how the disease manifests and progresses.
I would also suggest that each individual has a different response to the onset of the disease, a different approach to the appearance of symptoms, and a different result with different degrees of success. I have been fortunate to receive the help and support of many people, including physicians, friends, family and exercise practitioners. In my battle, I found what worked for me.
I was also fortunate to have found help before I got past the point of being able to take advantage of it. I was diagnosed just over 12 years ago, in my mid-40s. I fought back by adopting running as my key therapy, figuring that if I was going to fail physically, I would fail from a higher level. This bought me some time, but after five years I had to give up running because I started to trip when I became fatigued.
Seven years ago, I literally shuffled my near- 7-foot frame into my local YMCA. Through traditional exercise and low dosages of commonly prescribed medication, I was able to make a well-publicized return to running, and have participated in a 5K race the past two years. As a result of regular exercise, the progression of the disease was slowed. The disease was still there, however, and I knew there continued to be subtle changes reminding me that Parkinson’s was still progressing.
I accepted the help of Ludmila Vucolova, who volunteered to apply her postgraduate education, interdisciplinary mind-body studies, knowledge of body mechanics and experience in physical therapy and yoga instruction.
Vucolova has given me the tools and education to equip me for the task of stopping — and even reversing — the progression of the disease. Intensive one-on-one sessions were focused on restoring structural alignment and functional ability by reversing the incorrect habitual patterns of movement that I had adopted. These common patterns include poor posture and postural sway, typical in patients with Parkinson’s.
In my case, my body had shifted forward and displayed a sideways curvature. Vucolova demonstrated how the shift of the center of gravity affects how the body moves, how the body uses extra energy to compensate and how incorrect body position contributes to the display of neurological symptoms. Vucolova’s focus was on reversing these habitual patterns, releasing compression of the spine, improving circulation, breathing and flexibility, and restoring energy.
Vucolova credits the hours of hard work as what enabled me to restore sensory perception that was dormant for many years. She describes this as moving "out of the box." She explains this as each part of the body awakening and gradually building paths of communication between the body and brain, paths that had not been used. She coordinated breathing patterns to increase lung capacity, resulting in increased strength. I was taught how to move, stabilizing the different parts of the body and how to be conscious of the ground under my feet. All of this was intended to reverse the habitual patterns my body had adopted.
What I do realize is that the results have been notable — even incredible. I have reversed neurological and cardinal motor symptoms. Twelve years after the initial diagnosis, people do not know I have Parkinson’s unless I tell them. At my last medical exam, my neurologist said, "If I didn’t know, I couldn’t tell." Comments like that from professionals and people I work or socialize with help provide me with the motivation and drive to keep working.
Hard work and determination over the last 10 months have allowed me to significantly improve gait, balance, flexibility and coordination. I have developed better body awareness, improved body mechanics, and feel I am in control of my body instead of my body controlling me. As the result of continuous effort I have been able to aggressively improve my fitness level, exercising next to younger, fully able people. I move with an athletic grace that I had lost long ago.
I have not increased dosages of medication. My approach to life is positive. I smile and show emotion in my face and body. My speech is clear and understandable. Photos and video of the "before and after" graphically document my increased stamina, and show a strong, apparently healthy male who has decided not to look down, but to keep his head up, eyes focused forward, taking advantage of the opportunities offered to him.
I work full time, maintain a rigorous, daily exercise schedule, and have energy to allow me to give back to the community through volunteerism.
I never look down for fear of tripping or falling. I focus on where I am going, not where I have been.
Spencer Anderson, a Ridgewood resident, is a member of the Ridgewood YMCA board